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Sunset Sailboats

Set Sail with
Values Coaching Cards

Navigating with Values


The Sail (Your Values)

  • Imagine your values as the sails of a sailboat—dynamic, diverse, and essential for movement.

  • Values catch the wind, propelling the sailboat forward. They provide the driving force that determines the boat's direction.

The Wind (Your Core Beliefs)

  • The wind represents your core beliefs, the driving forces behind your values.

  • A strong alignment between your values and core beliefs creates a powerful and consistent force, propelling the sailboat in a purposeful direction.

The Boat (Your Business or Yourself)

  • Your business or personal journey is the sailboat itself—your vessel in the vast sea of possibilities.

  • The sailboat serves as a platform to express and embody your values. It is the vehicle through which you navigate the waters of life or business.

The Sea (Life's Challenges and Opportunities)

  • The sea symbolises the ever-changing landscape of challenges and opportunities that life or business presents.

  • Values act as a guide through the unpredictable sea, helping you navigate storms and take advantage of favorable winds.

Setting Sail (Gaining Clarity)

  • Hoisting the sails is akin to identifying and embracing your values.

  • As you set sail with your values, you gain clarity about the direction you want to move. The unfurled sails catch the wind, propelling you purposefully forward.

Steering (Decision-Making)

  • The rudder of the sailboat represents decision-making, steering the boat based on your values.

  • Your values guide your decisions, ensuring that you stay on course and navigate toward your desired destination.

Reaching Destinations (Success and Fulfillment):

  • Reaching different destinations represents achieving success and fulfillment.

  • By consistently aligning your actions with your values, you reach destinations that resonate with your core beliefs, leading to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

In essence, the sailboat metaphor emphasizes that understanding and living by your values provide the necessary wind to set your sails, offering clarity, purpose, and direction as you navigate the vast sea of opportunities and challenges in your personal or business journey.

Sail Boat

How Values-in-a-Box can help you sail through life

Personal Growth and Fulfillment


Clarity and Direction

Knowing your values provides clarity about what truly matters to you, guiding your decisions and actions with a sense of purpose.​


Aligning behaviors with your values allows you to live authentically, staying true to yourself and fostering genuine connections with others.

Improved Decision-Making

Values act as a compass, helping you make decisions that are in line with your core beliefs, leading to more satisfying outcomes.

Guiding Professional Success

Cohesive Team Culture

In a business setting, understanding and aligning team values contribute to a cohesive and positive organizational culture.

Enhanced Leadership

For business leaders, leading with aligned values fosters trust and loyalty among team members, creating a positive work environment.

Strategic Decision-Making

Business decisions aligned with core values contribute to the long-term success and sustainability of the organization.

  • Imagine your values as the sails of a sailboat—dynamic, diverse, and essential for movement.

  • Values catch the wind, propelling the sailboat forward. They provide the driving force that determines the boat's direction.

  • Inside you'll find 48 Values Coaching Cards

  • Delve into 48 unique cards, each unlocking a facet of your personal or brand values. As a leader, creative, or coach, understanding these values becomes the foundation upon which your journey is built. Set sail.

  • Set the course with 48 branding cards. 

  • Picture your brand as the sailboat – these 48 cards help you hoist the sails of authenticity, steering your brand towards success amidst the dynamic currents of the market.

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